Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocab & Sentences: Fall #2

1. Intercede: To Plead On Anothers Behalf.
 - The Teacher Will Have To Intercede Between The Two Children, And Soon They Will Be Playing Again.
2. Hackneyed: Overused & Thus Cheapened.
 - Do Not Use That Hackneyed Expression In Your Speech Tonight.
3. Approbation: Praise; Commendation.
 - However These Were Not Viewed With Universal Approbation At The Time.
4. Innuendo: An Indirect Or Subtle & Usually Derogatory Implication In Expression; Insinuation.
 - Their Reputation Has Been Damaged By Innuendo.
5. Coalition: An Alliance Of Party, Nations, Or Fractions.
 - The Coalition Decided To Seperate After The Battle.
6. Elicit: To Bring Out, Evoke.
 - A Meeting Was Called To Elicit A Solution To The Problem.
7. Hiatus: A Gap Or Interuption Of Space, Time, Etc.
 - When It Began To Require Too Much Effort, He Took A Hiatus From His Coin Collection Hobby.
8. Assuage: To Make Less Burdensome Or Painful.
 - I Tried To Assuage My Pain With An Ice Pack.
9. Decadence: A Process Condition, Or Period Of Decline.
 - His Decadence Was Imminient: He Was Always Drunk.
10. Expostulate: To Reason W/Someone In Effort To Correct.
 - I See No Point In Expostulating With Someone Who Doesnt Listen To Reason.
11. Simulate: To Have Or Take In Appearence, Form Or Sound.
 - By Pretending To Hold A Bat And Swing, You Are Simulating Playing Baseball.
12. Jaded: Wearied W/Fatigue;Worn-Out.
 - The Girl Had A Jaded Manner That Was Far Beyond Her Tender Years.
13. Umbrage: Offense; Resentment.
 - They Took Umbrage On Their Rudeness.
14. Prerogative: An Exclusive Right Or Privilige Held By A Person.
 - They Say Im Crazy I Dont Care Thats My Prerogative.
15. Lurid: Causing Shock Or Horror.
 - The Murder Was Especially Gruesome And The Newspaper Reporter Wrote A Luid Account Of It.
16. Transcend: To Pass Beyond.
 - She Was Able To Transcend Her Own Suffering To Help Others.
17. Provincial: Not Fashionable Or Sophisticated.
 - Jim's Outlook Was Very Childish And Provincial.
18. Petulant: Unreasonably Irritable Or Ill-Tempered; Peevish.
 - The Petuant Child Favoured Us With His Sad And Sulky Look.
19. Unctuous: Characterized By Affected, Exaggerated, Or Insincere Earnestness.
 - I Was Unctuous About Math.
20. Meritorious: Deserving Reward Or Praise; Having Merit.
 - She Gives A Meritorious Praise To God.

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