1. Brouhaha: A noisy & overexcited critical response
2. Cloy: Disgust or sicken with an excess of sweetness, richness, or sentiment
3. Demeanor: Outward behavior or bearing
4. Deference: Humble submission & respect
5. Enigmatic: Difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious
6. Definitive: Done or reached decisively & with out authority
7. Bumptious: Self-assertive or proud to an irritating degree
8. Choleric: Bad-tempered or irritable
9. Bulwark: A Defensive wall
10. Curtail: Restrict
11. Adamant: Refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind
12. Profligate: Recklessly extravagant or wasteful in use of resource
13. Mawkish: Sentimental in a feeble or sickly way
14. Thwart: Preventing from accomplishing something
15. Onus: Referred to something that's one;s duty or responsibility
16. Requisite: Made necessary by particular circumstances or regulations
17. Mollify: Appease the anger or anxiety of someone
18. Sartorial: Of or relating to tailoring clothes, or style of dress
19. Presentiment: An intuitive feeling about the future
20. Impromptu: Done with out being planned, organized, or rehearsed
21. Forbearance: Patient self- control
22. Remit: Cancel or refrain from exacting or inflicting.
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